Macedonian language |
The Macedonian language has two sets of names of the months of the Gregorian calendar. The most commonly used set of names is derived from the Latin month names and these are used by the vast majority of the Macedonian population. However, there is also a set of older names for the twelve months of Slavic origin that differ from the Latin month names, although their usage is archaized and largely restricted to folk literature and religious calendars issued by the Macedonian Orthodox Church.
The origin of the Macedonian month names is closely related to the agricultural activities that occur in the corresponding period, or to the weather condition common for that period. Some months have alternative names in different regions. The usage of modern Latin month names among Macedonians started towards the end of the 19th century, as a result of mass education.
No. | English name | Macedonian name | Transliteration | Archaic form | Transliteration | Macedonian meaning |
1 | January | Јануари | Januari | Коложег | Koložeg | month of burning trunks |
2 | February | Февруари | Fevruari | Сечко | Sečko | month of cutting (chopping wood) |
3 | March | Март | Mart | Цутар | Cutar | month of flowering/budding |
4 | April | Април | April | Тревен | Treven | month of grass |
5 | May | Мај | Maj | Косар | Kosar | month of mowing |
6 | June | Јуни | Juni | Жетвар | Žetvar | month of picking/harvesting |
7 | July | Јули | Juli | Златец | Zlatec | golden month |
8 | August | Август | Avgust | Житар | Žitar | month of grain |
9 | September | Септември | Septembri | Гроздобер | Grozdober | month of harvesting grapes |
10 | October | Октомври | Oktombri | Листопад | Listopad | month of falling leaves |
11 | November | Ноември | Noemvri | Студен | Studen | cold month |
12 | December | Декември | Dekemvri | Снежник | Snežnik | snowy month |